Life's Idiosyncrasies

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Multi-Stake Conference

Singapore 6th Nov 2005,
Singapore Conference Hall
10 am.
(Beamed in through satelite.)

What I learned:

1.Elder Callister
- In the past safety depended on where one lived. Now safety depends on how one lives.
- Elements cannot take away eternal life; only the violation of out covenants can do it.
- As long as we keep our covenants, nothing precious can be taken from us.

2.Sister Callister
- Regardless of our eye colour, hair etc. we are all sons and daughters of God and must serve with love.
- Today there are hearts to cleanse and souls to heal,
- What such glorious consequences can flow from mundane acts of small thoughts.

3.Sister Kent
- Don't ever forget to pray.
- We must hold on to the iron rod (the gospel) fiercely.
- Take hold, and hold strong. If we do so, we will be able to eat of the tree of life.
- We must do these things even when we do not know what the Lord has in store for us. We must do it because we love the Lord.
- We must choose today to cling to the iron rod and to make it a part of who we are.

4.Elder Eyring
- As we feel forgiven, we will forgive others more easily.
- "He that have the spirit of contention is not of me (GOD) but of the devil."

5. President Hinkley
- Be Strong
- Be true
- Be virtuous in thought and deed. God will bless you if you do so.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


To be able to stick with a job until it's finished; to do one's duty without being supervised; to be able to carry money without spending it; and to be able to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.
What I am and mean to my parents.

1. An embarressment because I am fat and ugly, not slim and beautiful like all their friend's children.

2. The only girl they know who has what they call a messy room.

3. A greedy fat pig who has taught my brothers to be evil and bad.

4. A spendthrift who never buys anything of worth to them.