Life's Idiosyncrasies

Friday, April 01, 2005

There are a few people in my life with whom I am seriously considering severing ties. I wonder how some people can become even more childish as they grow older. I have always thought that a person would grow up to become a more mature and openminded person. But it seems that I have been proven wrong again. It is sad how some people can become... Whats that word? More selfish and selfcentered even after a year out of school. Is it the world that has made them that way? Or were they like that in the beginning but I was just to blind that I did not see it?
After talking with some others or mutual friends I should say, I have found that many of them agree with me in these situations. These people are not worth worrying about or even thinking about. But then, they are still aquaintances aren't they? I would not want to do this, but to me, it has come to a point of where "enough is enough". I absolutely refuse to go through it anymore!!!!

Whoever you are reading this.... Let us hope and pray that you are not one of them!!!!

Then it come to my next question. What actually are friends? Are they people with whom we can talk with and who can understand us? Or are they people who pretend to be understanding and friendly, but are actually cold, proud and selfcentered? Are they people who care about us and our worries and problems? Or are they those who think only of themselves, their worries and problems and want others to worry about them?

Are friends real? Or are they just a fantasy in our minds where we Imagine those around us are our friends? I miss my close friends in the States. They were those whom I respected and with whom I could talk about anything in the world and who did not judge me. They were friends who could do anything and not worry about being tired or dirty. They were what I call REAL Friends!

I wonder if I will ever find such true friends as they were? Or like I said, are they only just imaginary?


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